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Survey – Key Environmental Indicators for Space

Identifying Research Gaps in Key Environmental Indicators for Space

The UK Space Agency is seeking views of GNOSIS Members and the wider space community on the evidence base that underpins our collective understanding of how human activity in space is impacting on the space environment.
This short survey is seeking to answer the question of what research is currently available, or being planned, that measures:
  • the magnitude of the debris catalogue, its size distribution, and its evolution 
  • the active satellite population and how that is changing over time
  • light pollution from space activities
  • Radio Frequency (RF) utilisation/interference relating to spacecraft
  • atmospheric pollution attributable to launch and de-orbiting space objects
  • the impact of space weather and the meteor population 
Any additional areas of research relating to the impacts of space activity on either the space or terrestrial environments would also be welcomed.
We would be grateful if you could complete the survey by 17:00GMT on Friday, 31 January 2025. Thank you!


We value your privacy. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes of gathering and processing the survey data. All results of the survey will be anonymised.