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GNOSIS Conference 2024

"One Giant Leap for Space Sustainability"

This year's Conference will take place over two days, 12th-13th November, as an entirely virtual event. It will provide opportunities for sharing knowledge, raising awareness and making new connections to encourage collaboration in tackling the challenges of space sustainability.

Conference Programme

Day 1: 12th November (draft)
Session Title
Session Details
9:30 Welcome Katherine Courtney
9:40 Opening Keynote Aarti Holla-Maini – UNOOSA Director
10:00 Future Space Traffic Control – Obstacles & Enablers Part 1 Short Talks (or Panel) +Q&A on barriers and enablers for a future Global Space Traffic Control System from the perspective of Governance, Standards, Law, Politics, etc

“Financing for Space Traffic Control”

Stuart Eves, SJE Space

Temideyo Oniosun – MD Space in Africa

11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Future Space Traffic Control – Obstacles & Enablers Part 11 Short Talks (or Panel) +Q&A on barriers and enablers for a future Global Space Traffic Control System from the perspective of Technologies & Systems Kerri Mertz – Director of International Business for Slingshot Aerospace (UK)
12:15 Lightning Talks 3-4 x 3 min. pre-recorded “pitches” from Researchers
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Welcome & Readout Short summary of key takeaways from the morning and Intro to afternoon
13:45 When will Active Debris Removal Take Off? Talks covering market trends, licensing issues, and R&D requirements and progress Mekhi Dhesi – Astroscale

Yang Gao – Kings College London

14:15 SSA/SDA – What do Operators and Innovators need? Talks from the perspective of current and future operators about their requirements for SSA/SDA
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 SSA/SDA Solutions – What’s new? What’s missing? Talks R&D aimed at meeting current and future SSA/SDA requirements

Followed by Q&A with ALL speakers on the SSA/SDA topics

“In-orbit RF&Optical Fused SSA”

“Digital Telescope”

Daniele Luchena – Arca Dynamics 

Don Pollacco, Warwick

16:15 Closing Keynote Pascale Ehrenfreunde – President COSPAR
16:45 Wrap-up Thank Yous, Readout from afternoon sessions and Close Day 1
17:00  End Day 1

Day 2: 13th November (draft)
Session Title
Session Details
9:30 Welcome Katherine Courtney
9:40 Opening Keynote
10:00 Earth & Space – Environmental Interdependencies and Impacts The evolving understanding of the impact of space operations on the upper atmosphere, on airspace, light pollution (impacts on nature) and culture
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Circular Economy Topic Panel +Q&A
12:15 Lightning Talks 3-4 x 3 min. “pitches” from Start-Ups
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Welcome and Readout Short summary of key takeaways from the morning and Intro to afternoon
13:45 Deepening Our Understanding of the Space Environment – Sources of Orbital Uncertainty Talks from some of the Orbital Uncertainty Working Group
14:30 Space Weather Short Talks (or Panel) +Q&A on developments in Space Weather understanding and forecasting
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Sharing Data for Safer Space Talks + Q&A on data sharing Richard Dal Bello – US DoC

Erika Rossetto – Space Data Association

16:15 Closing Keynote How to ensure all voices are heard in the interest of safeguarding space for all stakeholders
16:45 Wrap-up Thank Yous, Readout from afternoon sessions and Close Conference
17:00 End day 2

Prof. Pascale Ehrenfreund President of the Committee of Space Research (COSPAR)

Aarti Holla-Maini Director of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Stuart Eves, Director, SJESpace Ltd.

Don Pollacco, Professor, University of Warwick

Katherine Courtney, GNOSIS Chair

Temidayo Oniosun Managing Director of Space in Africa

Yang Gao, Professor and Head of Centre for Robotics Research, King’s College London

Registration for the Conference is now open.

Attendance at the event is free, and tickets are available to attend online.

Tickets are available here: